
税-Saving Opportunities You Shouldn’t Overlook

现在是纳税季节, 重要的是要考虑税务智能财务规划如何带来潜在的税收节约机会. By taking advantage of various strategies, such as IRA distributions and conversions, capital gains and capital loss carry over and charitable giving, you can potentially lower your tax bill and keep more of your hard-earned money.


One strategy to consider is IRA distributions and conversions. 如果你有一个传统的个人退休账户, you may be able to convert it to a Roth IRA, which can provide tax-free income in retirement. 另外, 利用合格的慈善分配从你的个人退休账户可以满足你的最低分配和降低你的应税收入. Let’s take a deeper look into this strategy:



在某些情况下, 将部分或全部资金从一种退休帐户类型转移到另一种帐户类型可能是有利的. 罗斯个人退休账户的转换可能是有益的,特别是如果你期望退休后获得高收入. 然而, 在转换之前, you should consider the potential increase in taxable income, 如果你原来的退休账户包含税前供款,那么五年持有规则和转换的税务影响. 提前从你的账户中取钱来支付转换税也可能导致罚款. It's crucial to weigh the pros and cons before proceeding with a conversion.



当涉及到从你的退休账户中提取资金时,有各种各样的策略可以考虑. 有两种方法值得考虑:

  • 传统方法: Withdrawing from taxable accounts, tax-deferred and Roth accounts in that order.
  • 比例提款法: 根据总储蓄的百分比从每个账户中提取,直到达到目标金额.


The traditional approach aims to allow tax-deferred assets more time to grow. Proportional withdrawals can lead to a more stable tax bill, potentially lower lifetime taxes and higher after-tax income. 根据您的独特情况,一种方法可能比另一种方法更有益.


Another strategy is to consider your capital gains and capital loss carry over. 通过出售亏损的AG捕鱼王新版app下载,你可以抵消收益,并有可能减少你的税单. Any remaining capital losses can be carried over to future tax years. Here are some ways this strategy could save you on your tax bill:



If you sell stock or mutual funds at a loss, you can use the loss to offset capital gains from similar sales. 当年的净亏损最高可达3,000美元,如果已婚且单独申报,则为1,500美元. Net losses over $3,000 can be carried over to next year's return indefinitely. 未使用的上年亏损可以从本年度的净资本收益中减去,亏损最高可达3美元,000 can be reported and deducted from income.



Capital gains taxes are owed when an asset, 比如AG捕鱼王新版app下载证券, 不动产或AG捕鱼王新版app下载物业, is sold for more money than was paid for the asset. The tax rate depends on the length of time the asset is held, with long-term holdings taxed at a lower rate than short-term holdings.


有几个策略可以帮助你减少资本利得税. Here are four key strategies to consider:


  • 持有应税资产: Holding onto taxable assets for a year or more is one way to lower capital gains taxes, 由于长期资本利得税率通常低于普通收入的最高税率,尽管税率和资本利得税率有所波动.
  • Invest in tax-deferred retirement plans: Since retirement account funds can grow on a tax-deferred basis, the account balances may grow more than they would if capital gains taxes were assessed. 罗斯个人退休账户(Roth ira)和401(k)计划在这一点上更进一步:只要遵守一定的规定,即使在退休时提取资金,也不需要对收益征税.
  • 利用税收损失收益: 税收损失收益是一种有益的AG捕鱼王新版app下载策略,在这种策略中,表现不佳的AG捕鱼王新版app下载以亏损出售,可以抵消应税AG捕鱼王新版app下载收益. Up to $3,000 of ordinary income can also be used to offset these losses each year. Any unused loss can be carried forward indefinitely. 然而, 才有资格采用这种策略, you must wait at least 30 days before buying back the stock sold at a loss, or the "wash-sale rule" will prevent you from using the loss to offset the gain.
  • Make charitable donations with appreciated investments: 从你购买的时候开始增值的AG捕鱼王新版app下载可以捐赠给慈善机构. 在捐赠之日,您将获得AG捕鱼王新版app下载公平市场价值的税收减免. 另外, capital gains tax will not be applied to the donated investments.


最后, 慈善捐赠是一种有效的方式来减少你的税收账单,同时支持你关心的事业. By using the proper tax planning strategies, 慈善捐款可以减少三种联邦税:资本收益(正如刚才探讨的), 所得税和遗产税.

捐赠增值资产时, 比如股票或共同基金, 您可以减少或取消资本利得税,并获得资产全部价值的税收减免.



了解在进行慈善捐赠时使用哪种税务策略可以帮助您确定金额, 资产和时间的捐赠,以确保您提供的慈善机构的最大利益,同时也为自己获得最大的税收优惠. Here are a few ways you may be able to save:


  • Combine multi-year deductions into one: 由于2017年的税改, 许多纳税人可能没有资格获得超过标准扣除额门槛所需的扣除额. 然而, 你仍然可以通过将几年的慈善捐款集中到一年来获得税收优惠,以超过分项计算的门槛. During non-bunching years, you can take advantage of the standard deduction.
  • 遗产规划: Donating assets to a qualified 501(c)3 organization is excluded from the taxable estate. 你也可以在遗嘱和信托规定中包括这一点,允许受益人放弃部分或全部遗产,将其留给慈善机构. 慈善领导和剩余信托, 年度终身捐赠和Q-TIP信托可以帮助减轻遗产税对继承人的负担,同时最大限度地提高慈善捐款.
  • 捐助国向基金: 捐赠者建议基金是一种慈善捐赠账户,允许个人向慈善机构捐款,并向任何符合美国国税局规定的公共慈善机构推荐赠款,同时享受即时减税. 这些资金也可以用于免税增长AG捕鱼王新版app下载,并为组织和规划慈善捐赠提供好处. 与私人基金会相比, donor-advised funds may have more advantages in terms of income, 资本利得和遗产税.


税-intelligent financial planning can provide numerous potential tax saving opportunities. Whether building your family and career, preparing for retirement or passing on wealth to future generations, 和一个对税务很了解的财务专家一起工作是你最大的资产之一,而且有可能降低你的税单,这样你就可以保留更多的血汗钱. To determine the best strategies for your unique situation, contact your tax-intelligent Financial Professional today.





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